November 20, 2004 | Unknown

Spammers: Get Bent

Well, like most bloggers (hate to call myself that because it sounds so uncool, man) I think it would be nice if the one I write for got more comments, although I am also quite content with the idea nobody is reading or if they are they couldn’t give a rats.
Lo and behold in the space of an hour or so our comments box went from 755 to 900 and something, which can only mean one thing: spam, spam, spam, spam, spam. This, I take it, is a problem most blogs have had to contend with. It is a horrible feeling when you open Movable Type and right there in front of you are links to innumerable, and sometimes criminal, porn sites under your post about the Queensland Liberals, whom you would never want to equate with nudie pictures.
As I said to Tim Dunlop (not that I know him, but a little name-dropping never hurt), it is a violation, and it is also quite disgusting to have something you have written in relation to sexualized violence find itself “debased” by this stuff.
Indeed, I have discovered Ambit Gambit (type “Ambit Gambit” into the international search engine) has found itself linked to a porn site on Google, with my post about abuses at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq now promoting a “teen lesbian” sex site.
To top it off (or tops off), one of the “teen lesbians” is called “Darlene”. Super! I swear it has been a long time since I have been either a teen or a lesbian, so it ain’t me. I don’t know if this has come about because of the spam situation, but I have sent an e-mail to Google and they have said they will investigate.
Hopefully, we will be following Tim Blair and others soon (now!) and inserting the numbers box, because I am sick of it, and I see no reason why we should keep wasting our time on these whatever you want to call them.
Visit for totally unhot, unsexy, free fully clothed posts from a cynical thirty-something member of the ALP and an even older Liberal. No pics included.
So we know what women’s role is on porn sites: to kiss other girls for the pleasure of boys. Where are women in the legitimate (I use the term in a very loose way) world of blogs and the Internet? Given they are not that prominent here is a short list of some of the sites I like to have a look at from time to time:
Geekgirl Soon turning ten years young, this site was created by Rosiex and was the first feminist e-zine in Australia.
Feministe Intelligent and interesting blog
Bitch Website of the really good magazine that is available at Borders. Funny, smart, inclusive and not afraid to call it like it is.

Just heard about this today. Generally hate confessional blogs with their narcissistic self-absorption (know enough people – including me – like that, don’t need to read about it), but she seems like a cheeky minx, which is a good quality in any gal.
Pretty Ugly Website that changes too rarely of zine that comes out not enough. Nevertheless, worth a look.
Well, that’ll do for now. If anyone knows of any others, tell me.
Darlene can be contacted at or go to

Posted by Unknown at 1:39 pm | Comments (4) |
Filed under: Uncategorized


  1. Try this one, I think you’ll find it interesting.
    I’m just not sure how much we should comment about it. I worry for the safety of the author.
    Maybe if we discuss it without invoking too many keywords, the bad apples won’t find it.

    Comment by Stan — November 22, 2004 @ 6:03 pm

  2. Thanks, Stan. A very interesting site from a voice you don’t often hear in the mainstream media. I appreciate that you took the time to tell me about it. What a terrible thing that we have to be cautious about commenting. Reminds how lucky we are to be able to blog with abandon.

    Comment by Darlene — November 23, 2004 @ 7:49 am

  3. Yes it is sad. I may be overreacting, but that was my first instinct. Let’s hope I’m completely wrong. (Lived in ME for a few years. Old habits die hard)

    Comment by Stan — November 23, 2004 @ 1:42 pm

  4. BTW, just in case there is some confusion, it is actually an Australian blog. But I still worry.

    Comment by Stan — November 23, 2004 @ 1:44 pm

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