The world really did change on September 7, 2013. Businesses are generally careful not to let their customers know how they vote. So how do you explain the See Ya Kev Specials offered by MBE?
Now we know what most of their customers are telling them.
I suppose we will see some, see ya Tony specials, next time round?
Fortunately the suppository of all wisdom has gone to the backbench, from where he will do little harm.
One doesn’t believe he have much of a future in politics. He has made too many enemies and apparently thinks disloyalty and or leaking is perfectly normal and even acceptable?
With more involvement of ordinary folk in Leadership selection, we might get politicians who finally listen to we the people, instead of talking down to us or trying to tell what and how to think! NB Sophie!
Alan B. Goulding.
Comment by Alan Goulding — September 19, 2013 @ 10:47 am