March 26, 2013 | Graham

Dear Adela

I thought some readers might be interested in this link spam proposition from Omnibuzz Media and my response. We are getting an increasing number of these sorts of propositions, which suggests that they must be having some success somewhere, but operators like this are best avoided. While the money might be attractive – they’re offering us more to write an article for us than we could possibly earn from normal advertising displayed in one our normal articles – the search engine standing of our site, not to mention the credibility which makes us attractive for SEO purposes- will pretty quickly deteriorate.


Omnibuzz Media are [Should be “is”, not a promising start and on only the third word. GY] a new and exciting digital media and commercial outlet, who through in-depth market research, pair up appropriate promotional campaigns between brands and websites.

We have a highly skilled content team writing articles specifically tailored for your site on each campaign, with no spun or ‘re-hashed’ articles ever being used. These articles are open for editing by webmasters and never contain adult or inappropriate content.

Our payments generally range from 40USD to 75USD, but on some campaigns can be considerably more!

For March through to April, I have campaigns with a casino client and a poker brand I am working closely with (which is why I’m approaching you today), whilst members of my team are working on travel, technology, dating and fashion campaigns, amongst many others.

Would you like me to send you more information about the casino and poker campaign or forward your information to my colleagues for other campaigns running this month? It’s a quick paying and very simple opportunity to host top quality article content that i hope you will be interested in!

Looking forward to hearing back from you and building an ongoing working relationship that pays well every time.

Kind regards.

Adela Johnson

To which I responded.

Dear Adela,

 Your in-depth market research stinks. There is no way we would entertain this arrangement.



Posted by Graham at 11:03 pm | Comments (1) |
Filed under: Uncategorized

1 Comment

  1. Graham, you are surely Mr integrity personified!
    Particularly in light of recent events!
    Alan B. Goulding.

    Comment by Alan B. Goulding — March 27, 2013 @ 8:33 am

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