September 09, 2011 | Graham

See, that didn’t hurt PM

Shadow Attorney-General George Brandis probably did the ALP a favour by referring Craig Thomson to the NSW police. Now the government can claim that he has been exonerated.

Not that this is the smartest thing to do, but it is a stronger position than they were in before the referral.

Makes you wonder why they didn’t do it themselves.

As I pointed out in my piece in The Australian they are breaking all the rules of crisis management.

And so it continues. While Craig Emerson and Wayne Swan have come out accusing the Opposition of smear and negativity they should have jumped on the opposition band-wagon and actively urged-on other law enforcement agencies to look at the case.

What seems to be going on here is that the rules of the union over what things credit cards may be used for are so vague that paying for prostitutes is arguably an entertainment expense, and the question of whether it was authorised or not becomes a case of “he said/she said”, and therefore unlikely to be decided beyond a reasonable doubt.

Which means every other law agency will be in the same position.

But that doesn’t mean that the public will see things the same way, in which case defending Thomson as innocent, doesn’t help the government. They need to be seen to be doing the “right thing” and need to get the issue off the front pages.

Their best protection is to get public attention off Thomson as quickly as possible, not to try to canonise him.

Posted by Graham at 1:07 am | Comments (1) |
Filed under: Uncategorized

1 Comment

  1. Obiviously Craig Thomson is too hot a political potato.If he goes down he may have enough dirt to take many others with him and could mean both sides of the political spectrum.

    There is obiviously sufficient evidence for an investigation.Surely the members of the Union could push for an ivestigation since it is their money.The NSW Police gave the lame excuse that the Union must press charges.

    There is one law for the masses and another for the elite and well connected.

    Comment by Ross — September 12, 2011 @ 9:54 am

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