January 18, 2010 | Ronda Jambe

Is Google China’s David?

We know China is a Goliath, but is Google now willing to use its slingshot to give it a black eye? Google is at last standing up to China, going to pull the plug rather than give in to China’s demands to censure sites relating to democracy, Tibet and other irritants to the status quo.
Some say this is just a convenient way for Google to leave China, given that the home grown search engine is dominant. Others say this conflict is representative of many other Davids with chips on their shoulders (or in their factories) who are weary of the way the Chinese government bullies business.
Having two bob each way is not sustainable: allowing nepotism and restrictive business practices to go unchecked, while pretending that China has an open economy that embraces the even playing field of the rule of law.
Either the internet is an open platform that encourages innovation, or it is the property of the goverment in aid of a controlled economy that plays favourites and restricts real social improvements.
Hard to say what the unintended consequences of openness are, but attempts at total control tend to go towards the oligarchical model and then, ka-boom! another revolution in the making.
But the Chinese are real smart, and long-sighted. They should know where their best interests lie. But I’m just an arm chair economist, wondering where my model of the Harbour Bridge was made….
green chair with harbour bridge.jpg

Posted by Ronda Jambe at 10:55 am | Comments (2) |
Filed under: Commerce


  1. Why would China bow to google when they could invent their own choogle? Google is currently censoring the net to please the Chinese Govt.
    Google is probably pulling out for economic reasons rather than pangs of conscience.
    In nearly all cases the Corporates make decisions based on money and power rather than notions of common good.

    Comment by ARJAY — January 22, 2010 @ 9:00 pm

  2. Indeed, Arjay, and much has been written aobut how well Google lives up to its motto ‘don’t be evil’.
    But China needs to be seen as open and even-handed, and that is at risk, both within China and in their dealings with Africa, just for starters.

    Comment by ronda jambe — January 23, 2010 @ 9:04 am

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