May 27, 2008 | Graham

Phillip Adams on Henson

Phillip Adams does a riff on some of the same themes about the Henson controversy that I attempted in this post.
I have to admit it’s the first Phillip Adams column I have read all the way through in decades, and as a result, it’s the best I’ve read in decades.
And when you put it as he does it is bizarre that you can see videos on shows live Rave on TV that do more to debase teen and pre-teen sexuality, and deprave youngsters, than Henson’s images ever will, yet only the most prudish parents would stop their children watching them.
I can remember feeling confronted when someone bought make-up as a birthday present for one of my girls when she was 9 or 10. But what could you say? All her mates were “dressing-up” too. We never went through the trash dressing phase, but plenty of friends kids have, and you should see what they wear to Sunday school!
So Neo-Calivinism is not a simple thing, it’s selective in its prurience, and pretty easy-going about a lot of sexuality.

Posted by Graham at 7:39 am | Comments (2) |
Filed under: Australian Politics


  1. What we are losing sight of here is the danger into which that Henson is putting those pubescent little ones. Imagine paedophiles drooling at the provocative sight ofthe nudes.Now any child even remotely resembling any one of theose on view can find herself vulnerable.
    Would cate Blanchett be happy to let one of her children pose for Henson and have the portrait presented to the public?

    Comment by robert halsey — May 28, 2008 @ 6:17 pm

  2. What we are losing sight of here is the danger into which that Henson is putting those pubescent little ones. Imagine paedophiles drooling at the provocative sight ofthe nudes.Now any child even remotely resembling any one of theose on view can find herself vulnerable.

    Comment by robert halsey — May 28, 2008 @ 6:18 pm

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